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Software Engineering

STEM at Your Fingertips: Public Libraries as Hubs of Innovation

In an age where knowledge is power and access to educational resources is key, public libraries stand out as beacons of learning and enlightenment. Beyond their traditional role as repositories of books, public libraries across the globe are increasingly stepping

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Structure from motion using ArcGIS orthomapping Python Api

In my previous articles on photogrammetry, I introduced structure from motion photogrammetry, explained block adjustment, and demonstrated how to generate photogrammetry products for urban monitoring and biodiversity conservation using ArcGIS PRO’s reality mapping feature. ArcGIS PRO provides a user-friendly interface

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Data Science

Exploratory data analysis with Python

This notebook is a practical demonstration of an exploratory data analysis task. For this task, we want to understand how completion rates differ for different types of students and different types of schools. We want to look at this by:

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Data Science

Exploring and describing data using Pandas

This notebook contains basic demonstration of how to explore and describe dataset with pandas. The basic outcomnes for this include: importing python libraries Load a data file into pandas Examine the size and data types of a dataframe Understand the

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Fundamental data type

In this tutorial, we will talk about the fundamental data types covering integer, character, float, double and long double. 1. Integer Integer data types are used to store whole numbers.  It takes 2 or 4 bytes depending on machine. 1

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Introduction to Variables

In this article, we will talk about variables in C programming. Variables are used to store values. They are names that point to some memory location. Variables has to be declared before use. Declaring mean announcing the properties of the

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Features and First C Program

In our previous lessons on Introduction to C programming, we discussed two important features of C program which are portability and less lines of code. In this lesson, we will look at more features and write our first C program.

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Introduction to C Programming

Some days ago, I thought of a better thing to do over the weekend during this summer. Deep into my thinking, I decided to be writing short lessons on C programming.  The content of of this lesson is highlighted  below:

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Introduction to LiDAR remote sensing

Learning Objectives¶ In this tutorial, we will learn how to work with lidar derived raster product that represent topography and snow depth. The objectives include: Understanding the basic concept of lidar remote sensing Deriving snow products from lidar DEMs differencing

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Helpful links for Software engineering tasks

Shell, Navigation Learning the shell Beginners/Bash-scripting Keyboard shortcut for bash Creating and writing to files Cat command in Linux Writing text to a file using cat linux command Text editors Basic vi commands A guided tour of Emacs Git Quickstart

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Software Engineering

Map your mind with Pseudocode and Flowchart

In computer science, an algorithm is a step by step instruction for solving problems. There are broadly two ways to make an algorithm- Pseudocode or flowchart. Pseudocode is a step by step approach to solve a problem using human readable

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Getting Started with Pandas

Introduction¶ Pandas is a python package for reading, cleaning, exploring and analyzing tabular data such as data from spreadsheets or databases. Pandas provides flexible and expressive data structures that facilitate working with labelled and relational database Supported Data Format¶  

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Beginner’s guide to Numpy

Attributes of numpy array¶ The important attributes of an array are: Dimension (ndarray.ndim) Shape (ndarray.shape) Size (ndarray.size) Data Type (ndarray.dtype) Item size (ndarray.itemsize) Let’s see the information that each of these properties provide In [ ]: #import packages import numpy as np

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Why Numpy?

Numpy is a popular python package for creating and performing operation on n-dimensional arrays. It facilitate scientific computing in python. The major advantage of numpy over standard python sequence objects such as list are: Ease of Use Speed The code

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Introduction to Maplotlib: Basic Usage with examples

  In this post, we will discuss basic usage of matplotlib with simple and easy to understand examples. Matplotlib is a plotting library in the scipy ecosystem of libraries. Other core scipy packages include Numpy, Pandas, Sympy, IPython. Anatomy of

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