STEM at Your Fingertips: Public Libraries as Hubs of Innovation

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In an age where knowledge is power and access to educational resources is key, public libraries stand out as beacons of learning and enlightenment. Beyond their traditional role as repositories of books, public libraries across the globe are increasingly stepping into the realm of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, offering a wealth of free resources to curious minds of all ages.

Gone are the days when libraries were confined to dusty shelves and hushed whispers. Today, they are bustling hubs of innovation, equipped with cutting-edge technologies and various learning materials to foster STEM literacy and proficiency. From coding workshops to 3D printing labs, public libraries are embracing the digital age with open arms, democratizing access to STEM education for all. If you’re interested in exploring STEM-based education that can be done at home or virtually, check out this article on the Library Science Degrees Online Platform .

Special thanks to Leslie and her teacher, Lisa Harris, for sharing this valuable information.

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